DNA Chimera for medical research...
I've been sick and so have my kids, so I haven't been writing - which is very frustrating... I've got so many ideas going and I was just starting to get organized...
But tomorrow I should be back into the laptop to work on Chapter 5...
meanwhile, I saw this today and had to post it...
It's happening, just as I have predicted. Scientists are making Chimera in order to experiment on the embryo's. How long will it be before they let them grow to Fetus, or to actually be born? Not too much longer... And I need to write my book before it stops being a futuristic sci-fi novel. *L*
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But tomorrow I should be back into the laptop to work on Chapter 5...
meanwhile, I saw this today and had to post it...
It's happening, just as I have predicted. Scientists are making Chimera in order to experiment on the embryo's. How long will it be before they let them grow to Fetus, or to actually be born? Not too much longer... And I need to write my book before it stops being a futuristic sci-fi novel. *L*
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Scientists to create 'frankenbunny' in big research leap
Rabbit research: Experiments could day one cure Alzheimer's
Scientists are planning to create a "frankenrabbit" by fusing together human cells with a rabbit egg.
It is hoped the "chimeric" embryos, which would be 99.9 per cent human and 0.1 per cent rabbit, could lead to breakthroughs in stem cell research which could one day cure diseases such as Alzheimer's or spinal cord injury.
The embryos will allow scientists to perfect stem cell creation techniques without using human eggs.
"If we learn how to do this with animal eggs, we should be able to have more success with human eggs, and I'd much rather know that if we were going to ask women to donate eggs that we were very likely to get stem cells as a result," said Chris Shaw, at the Institute of Psychiatry.
"We know this is a huge challenge after Dr Hwang in South Korea failed to get stem cells despite having 2,000 human eggs."
Teams in London, Edinburgh and Newcastle are to submit application to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority this month, requesting licences to create embryos that will be 99.9 per cent human and 0.1 per cent rabbit or cow.
The HFEA is encouraging the applications after legal advice. The embryos will be allowed to grow for only 14 days, at which point they will be cells smaller than a pinhead.
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